I was scoping out the china section (which is my fave - obviously). I'm sure the staff must nickname people like me "plate turners" as I've seen other people doing it too, turning all the old china upside down to see the backstamps and gauge the age and value of the pieces. (Why do Savers persist in sticking the price labels in the very middle of a cup or saucer, over the backstamp? Grr.) I don't actually care if something is valuable or not, but as I collect Meakin, Grindley and Art Deco china, I like to know what I'm getting. Today someone had donated no less than 50 pink saucers, but alas, no cups. Some were Johnson Brothers, and some were J&G Meakin, so I grabbed a couple of those and added some nameless gold rimmed tea cups. Hurrah, but $$ value climbing. I also found a tray - I was after one for my desk at work - and a little kittah salt shaker of kitschy goodness - Made in Japan, 60's I'd say. Hurrah! So the cup and saucer don't match, aren't valuable, but I think they work well together, and that's what I'm about...gorgeous useable china!

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